1. Academy
  2. Investment
  3. Sustainable Investment

Responsible investment: Exclusionary screening

Exclusion principles

The exclusionary screening entails excluding certain companies from a portfolio due to activities or practices that contravene regulations or specific standards or values deemed incompatible with our sustainable investment strategy.

Exclusionary screening is applied to regional equity funds, bond funds, thematic certificates, and all direct investment recommendations issued by the bank. The specified revenue thresholds are considered per activity and are not subject to aggregation across activities.


Exclusions applied by Piguet Gallland




ASIR Exclusion List

Companies listed in the exclusion list published by the Swiss Association for Responsible Investments (ASIR).

Strict exclusions according to the list published by ASIR on their website:

Exclusion list – SVVK ASIR – Swiss Association for Responsible Investments (svvk-asir.ch)


Controversial weapons

Companies involved in production or distribution of anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, chemical and biological weapons, depleted uranium ammunitions, nuclear weapons as defined by UN conventions.

Strict exclusions of companies with any level of exposure to controversial weapons (more than 0% of their revenue).

Non-Controversial weapons

Companies deriving a portion of their revenue from the manufacture of small arms, military aircraft, armored vehicles and tanks, ammunition, and accessories.


Exclude companies where 5% or more of their revenue comes from these activities.


Companies deriving a portion of their revenue from coal mining, metallurgical coal, thermal coal mining, open-pit mining of bituminous coal and lignite, and underground mining of bituminous coal.


Companies deriving a portion of their revenue from tobacco, tobacco cultivation, tobacco leaves, the manufacture of tobacco products (cigars, cigarettes, smokeless tobacco), and wholesale of tobacco products.


Companies deriving a portion of their revenue from casinos and gaming, betting, gaming equipment, mobile and online gaming, and casino hotels.

Palm Oil

Companies deriving a portion of their revenue from palm oil cultivation and palm oil processing.

Oil Sands

Companies deriving a portion of their revenue from oil sands exploitation.


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